“Personal Reality makes Personality”. I work with the
thoughts, words, emotions, fears and vulnerability of the
Individuals to ultimately improve their behaviour and
attitudes. This helps to unfold oneself and expand to their
highest potential.
The goal is to reduce the gap between who you are at
present and what you want to become in future. The process
is to take you on a journey objectively while keeping the
sensitivity of subjectivity intact. When the shift happens
internally, the result is visible externally.
This includes a complete package of Individual
Self Transition Program
If you are here then, This is the Right time for you to understand and empower
yourself. This is a program for all those who feel they are at the cross roads of
life, decision making and taking the first step.
I recommend a package of 5 or 10 sittings of 1 hr. each.
The program is called Self-Transition Program (STP) where we
share, understand, fill the voids, and embrace the reality besides
healing ourselves for the soul wounds.
The sessions empower you to take charge of your life with
awareness respectfully.
STP is a comprehensive program which brings alignment in your
thoughts, words, habits, action making the destiny.
With over 10 yrs of experience in coaching the soul journeys, I
have realised that each soul knows exactly what it desires to be.
So, I ask you..
- What do you want to get rid of?
- Make a list of 10 topics which you want to address in the 10
sessions. - What help you think and feel that you need to declutter and
recreate yourself.
A maximum of ten sessions of 90 mins each are required to identify, understand and choose to resolve the issues that are blocking your way.
Two sessions per week (at prebooked appointment in person or virtual).
What you need to have?
A commitment is all it takes to bring about a radical shift in perspectives and in life.
The one time payment is done in advance.